New Year, Better You Challenge

by | Dec 6, 2023 | General Health & Fitness

The New Year, Better You Challenge begins on January 1 and continues for 6 weeks. The challenge is $199 for the initial 6 weeks. However, the program will continue to be offered with monthly updates, but there will be no challenge component. 

The New Year, Better You Challenge includes resistance training workouts that can be done at home or at a gym, stretching, cardio, Pilates, general wellness reminders, and dietary guidelines for weight loss. 

There are prizes! First prize is $250, 2nd is $100, as well as other prizes such as massage, a hot yoga pass, and a restaurant gift certificate, plus Flex Level clothing and credits for our app! 

Before and after pictures will be required, and winners will be determined based on a combination of factors, including, but not limited to, the physical improvement, and overall commitment made to the program over the 6 weeks.