Multimedia Library
Video, blog posts, recipes and more!
The aim of this multimedia library is to give you a wealth of knowledge on a wide range of topics from the fitness industry. Adam offers candid, experience-based information on all things fitness related. Interested in a topic that hasn’t been covered yet? Send us an email to be sure your interests are addressed in future posts.
Weekly Fitness Instructional Videos
Flex Level Squats, with a Twist!
Flex Level Squats are a favorite exercise of many Flex Level clients. Due to the lack of strain it puts on the joints, the ability for you to work on getting your "ass to the grass" while loosening up those tight hip joints, and the overall unique feel of this...
Can you drink alcohol while dieting?
Today we're going to talking about drinking alcohol while dieting. I put my biases aside to give you an experience-based answer on how impactful alcohol consumption is when trying to burn fat and improve body composition. How bad can a few beers a week be? There's...
How to perform the perfect push-up
Many people struggle to achieve correct push-up form, so today Adam shares how to perform the perfect push-up with Perfect Push-up Handles! Watch the video below and as always, let us know if you have any questions. If you're looking to do these at home, or your gym...
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